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Another year has gone by, another thanks to give.
First of all, I'm really thankful for everything my eyes were able to see this year, from my mom and sister's smile, my best friends pixelated faces, my roommies' drunk faces, to the amazing landscapes of the world.
I'm thankful for learning how to forgive myself, for finally understanding the meaning of being free and for getting rid of my own demons.
I'm thankful for the stories I will tell for the rest of my life, that are so unbelievable most people will think I'm exaggerating.
I'm thankful for being able to feel real adrenaline rushes, for starting a new chapter in an unknown place, with no friends, no comfort zone; that's really pure adrenaline.
I'm thankful with God for showing me how strong I am and that life is as hard as you can manage. Because even when this year I was in my lowest point, now it is amazing to see everything from the top!
I'm thankful for learning to live for myself, to be happy by myself and to be loved by myself.
I'm thankful because even with the longest distance, every time I hear my mother's voice I feel like home.
But the thing I am most thankful for is that no matter how bad life can feel from a point, now I am sure it always get better.

Last time wearing this sweater! Spring is here and the weather is starting to warm up, I never thought I was going to be this happy in the coming of a spring-summer season, let's see how long the happiness lasts.
I wanted to create an "Almost summer" outfit, but keeping myself warm because as at any other part of the world, the weather is crazy and some days it's really hot and another days we are freezing. This day was one of those, where if you are in the shadow or inside a room you feel cold, but outside is really nice and warm.
So, this time I paired my striped thick sweater with my very well known flower skirt and my combat boots to keep it away from being too girly, because that's not my style at all. As you can see I'm not wearing heels in my latest outfits and as I mentioned before, is because I'm always walking through the city.
Being at the other side of the world is driving me crazy, I can't stop looking at the fall trends and falling in love with a thousand of looks while here we are starting to melt! Wish me luck trying to figure this out, and if you know some south-american blogger please send me the link to gain some inspiration! Have an amazing week!


Trying to adapt myself on having two summers in one year, I decided to make a wish list! And well, who doesn't love making wish lists? Lucky for you, I don't have a lot of space to show everything I want, so I made this little list with the things I think are going to be my essentials.
Please remember (or if you are new here) I'm living at Chile. So here we are, changing season to from Fall-Winter to Spring-Summer, that's why I'm wearing skirts and I want more.
First of all I made a promise to myself and I'm going to start wearing colorful clothes, I realized I'm always wearing the same color palette, and even though I like it, I do want to try something new. New city, new wardrobe.
Also I want to be a little bit bolder with my jeans and also I need to incorporate more in my closet because now I own a bike and I'll be moving to go to work on it.
And well, I'm going to get here the basics I never had in my cit: shorts, military green jacket, new to-go boots and my new obsession, graphic tees. There are also some trends I would like to try like: Crop tops and skater skirts. What do you think? I made my biggest effort, but I don think this list still looks a little bit fall-ish...
This season is going to be fun and a nice challenge!

As a part of the activities we have (being exchange students), we had a cuisine course. I was amazed with all the details we got to know about Chile's culture trough they food. I have always loved to cook, it was amazing to learn new techniques and tips from another culture and at the same time mix it with my Course-mates, which are from France and Germany.
We learnt how to cook 5 traditional dishes: Empanadas de Pino, Charquican, Pebre, Salad and Mote con Huesillo. I really liked them all, but my favorite was Charquican because of the mix of flavors and the process of cooking. So, of course I took notes of everything and now, when I go back home, I will be able to make some of this for my friends and family.

There is something about the lyrics of this song that I love, and also I feel that the beat is pretty awesome.
Another 'chilean' song, I've always liked cumbias, but I don't know why in my city young people is not use to dance them, but here everybody loves them and even if the dance style is a little different I can't help it, I dance like crazy at the parties! And lastly a song from a new group I recently discover thanks to my bf! You have to take a look, they are amazing!