Academic event (1)

30 jun 2010

Me, in a soireé with Sofia.

Hey, here a quick post about my Academic event, OMG, I am out of high school, I am very happy about it, Oh, and guess what? I won third place on school average, cool right?, See you. I´ll show you the photos tomorrow. 

Traducción: Aquí paso super rápido, solo para darles un adelanto de mi Acto academico.
YA SOY GRADUADA! :D muy feliz la verdad, salir de la prepa, es un logro mas a mi lista.
Ahora a la universidad, que miedo. Oh, saque tercer lugar de aprovechamiento, bien, no?
Sale nos vemos. Mañana subiré las fotos.


me gusta, me gusta
te ves super bien (Y)

Oh thank you so MUCH for your sweet comment, you're lovely. My exam was good, The photos doesn't appear. I will post another one in a minute =)
Keep following,
Ohh and don't forget to add me on facebook and twitter.
Love, johanna

Thank you so MUCH for your sweet comment, you're really lovely.
Keep following, 

Love, johanna