Cake Pops | Receta

30 may 2011

¿Recuerdan la sesión "Happy-bday blog"? Para la decoración hice Cake Pops rosa con blanco y desde ese día se convirtieron en mi postre favorito! Me encanta como parecen pequeñas paletitas y lo mejor es que pueden ser de cualquier sabor y color. Mucha gente me preguntó como las había hecho, así que mi mamá y yo hicimos un pequeño tutorial de como hacerlas.

1. Hornea un pastel, del sabor que tu quieras.

2. Añade dos tazas de betun, yo utilize el que normal que venden en cualquier tienda. 3. Usa tus manos para revolver el pastel con el betun. 4. Ahora, con las manos haz pequeñas bolitas de 3 a 4 cucharadas.

Se pueden hacer aproximadamente 50 bolitas con una caja de pastel normal. En la foto se ven de dos sabores porque al mismo tiempo mi mamá estaba haciendo Cake Pops de chocolate.
5. Ahora metelos al refrigerador por 1 o 2 horas. 6. Sumerge una parte del palito de paleta y pásalo a través de la bolita fría.

7. Sumerge la paletita en el chocolate derretido. 8. Deja que se quite todo el exceso y se seque el chocolate. Yo les puse un poco mas de chocolate ya que se habían secado para darle textura y tambien le añadí azúcar de colores para darle un toque mas divertido.

Si un día de estos haces tus propios Cake Pops no te olvides de contarme como te fue. Pueden encontrar otras recetas para hacer sus Cake Pops aquí y aquí.


Giveaway: Lomography "Sprocket Rocket"

27 may 2011

Go here to win this awesome Baby!! Called Sprocket Rocket, a Panorama-Camera from Lomography.


The new body painting.

23 may 2011


Alexa Meade is a 23-year-old artist. She creates amazing paintings using real people as her canvas. Most artists use acrylic paints to create portraits of people on canvas. But not Meade - she applies acrylic paints on her subjects and makes them appear to be a part of the painting! Her innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships.


Brand new.

22 may 2011

I've decided to change the blog's name for something more personal.

When I first started, I said that this blog would be more of a diary but I didn't follow my own idea, but now I will. I didn't like the direction this was headed.
I spend a lot of my time editing this new layout and I took a little more time finding out what would be the new name. I hope you like it and of course, enjoy it. Tell if you like it or not.

This weekend was really exciting! I had my first job as a Photographer, let me tell you. One of my old friends have his own Model Company and He knows that I like photography, so, he ask me if I would like to make a photoshoot with 'his girls' and you all ready know the answer, I said yes! I had a lot of fun!! It was a little tired, but definitely is my thing! Now I'm working on the pictures when I finish them I will show you the final product. It will take a while because there were nine models and my friend want five pictures of each one.


Summer time.

14 may 2011


I'm not a huge fan of summer, but I love the colors and shapes that come with it. All the flowers and the good mood of everybody (exept mine) haha. I'm starting to like it, I don't think I have more options, lately the weather has been crazy and even with the sun on the top is cold and some times is rainy so, yes, I kind of like summer. I have to learn how to like it. 

I'm almost done with 2nd semestrer of the Uni, I'm truly happy! Some days when I'm walking through the school  I can't believe that I'm actually there. I love it! Is my passion! Design, Photography, my friends, all that has happen at school has been good to me and to my life, I really thank God for this opportunity, for the few bad things that become nothing compared to all the good things that has happen to me. I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm working on a 'new look' for the blog! I'm really exited and hope you love it to! At school I'm learning how to program and I'm doing a new template for 'It's like a tank top'!! I can't wait to change it!

Tell me, how your summer goes? Is summer in your country?


Nice to meet you...

8 may 2011


I'm working on the design of my presentation card. Is really dificult because with it goes the first impression. I like bold design, I like taking risks but I'm not so sure that Mexico is ready for this new generation. While I was searching for information and ideas, I saw millions of differents presentation cards. Here I made a compilation of the ones I liked the most. They are unic, breaking rules, with full colors, differents shapes and really like that, I wish I could do mine like that, but for now I can't be that risky, first: I'm not a recognized designer and second: In my country desing is kind of conservative.

One of my biggest dreams is change that, give to people te opportunity to see the world in different ways, give to design a real meaning for all the viewers and of course go to another level with it, because I'm truely sure that design can change the world.


I'm a designer and ...

7 may 2011

I invite you to be part of this movement that has spent years forming on the web. These are pages dedicated to share achievements and points of view of people with tastes in common, in this case artists and designers.

The desire to be sharing achievements and every move you make comes from the need to preserve moments and make them permanent.

Existing social networks are inspired on the tendency of contemporary art called: Conceptualism and especially on the artist: On Kawara. Maybe it will sound crazy, but preserve a date, a tweet or a postal with a real explanation, history and a good justification can be art.


"Like in a movie" - Photography.

5 may 2011

You have probably seen many of his fashion editorials in Vogue or Elle, Danish photographer Signe Vilstrup has an amazing (and huge) portfolio. Her style and lighting are very high fashion and pretty sexy. She is definitely one of my favorites photographers.

Photographer Signe Vilstrup, born 1977. "I have a great passion for beauty and aesthetics, and through photography I have found the ideal way to express my ideas and visions."

This photoshoot named "Like in a movie" is one of my favorites. Its amazing how the model and the lights can tell you a whole story. 


The two fingers cross ring♥

2 may 2011


This weekend was my birthday and guess what? I finally got my beloved ring♥ My ex-boyfriend gave it to me. I can't explain how happy I was, I totally love it!

This pictures are from the party, I really had a great time. We went to a new club in my city and I really love it, the music was perfect!!