I don't have time, so I just took two pictures, and just passing to tell you about my crazy day.
As you all know, this is my first week of school, and, today (second day) I had my first “Introduction to DGDE" class, but our big classmates made us the worst joke EVER! I’m still feeling frustrated! They put a friend as a teacher and she was so mean, I almost killed myself, I was so afraid, I'll be honest, I cried when we found out it was a joke. But the worst of all of it, was that I "fought", actually I made a comment of the "teachers" attitude, and it was all fake, I really can't express how I felt in English, but if you understand a little of Spanish or speak it here you can read a summary of the history.
But that really showed me that it will be so fun and entertaining! I’m SO HAPPY about this, I feel so perfect in those classrooms and yes, I'm afraid, and I don't know how to do so many things that others can, but I know I can learn! I FEEL HAPPY!!!
PS. Here the blog of the career IDGD!
Traduccion: Como ya saben, estoy en la primera semana de mi carrera universitaria, y hoy nos jugaron la broma mas pesada de mi vida, la novatada, fue tan horrible: unos companeros de IDGD de 2do y 3ro me parece, se hicieron pasar, una por la maestra y otros por alumnos ya afectados por su mala actitud, pero fue tan feo, si quieren pueden leer aqui toda la historia [esta escrita con un lenguaje muy vulgar(no grosero, si no, callejero o coloquial)]
Aqui el blog de la carrera: IDGD!
LV oxox♥
Hola Luisa
Bienvenida a IDGD y espero no te haya estresado la novatada.
Uhh Love your top
I LOVE your belt! I like how you kinda twisted the loose end! I shall copy that. LOLs THANKS :)
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