Coral | Outfit
28 jun 2012
I don't know why I didn't post this outfit before, if I'm not wrong this was two weeks ago the day after I dye my hair. Well I have to say that this is one of my favorite outfits from all the time, I love the colors, and the weather was perfect that day. I'm loving the combination of strong colors with nude, light grey or white, and recently I'm trying to make my style a little more simple and polish, if I could I would love to dress like this every day! But I don't have enough clothes yet.
Well, I am free from my work for the next 15 days! I feel like going to the beach or something, let's see if there is some oportunity to travel or at least a shopping spree!
Bad Cardigan | Outfit
26 jun 2012
Since I have this cardigan I've been really obsessed with it, it's really confortable and the colors are cute, but it just doesn't help my body shape. I don't know why but now I am really excited and in love of a bunch of things that I 'hated' before, like short necklaces and wedges. Maybe is because I never tried them I don't know, it's really funny to look back and realize that I am wearing things that I said I would never wear.
Minimo App | Photography
21 jun 2012
Few weeks ago I had this amazing photo-shoot with two crazy-amazing friends in the middle of Tijuana's freeway. It was for a local new-brand from another friend. It was really fun, but honestly I was a little nervous because we were in some "dangerous" zone. At the end the pictures were really cool and the girls had a lot of fun. This time my best friend helped me with the style and the Make Up, I have to say that I never thought we would work well together but I really liked. If you want to see all the photos you can go HERE or HERE. Tell my what do you think about them :)
Purple beat | outfit
19 jun 2012
I am officially in vacations, and I haven't been really busy, some projects per week, gym, food, and all that stuff. I've been watching Glee and I am kind of obsessed now. Also, I have a family trip coming soon, I don't know if I am going to have internet there, meeh ... Let's see what happen. Honestly I've been dressing really bad these days, my clothes are not inspiring anymore, I get bored very easily, hopefully next month I'll go shopping and I will recover my love to dress nicely. This outfit though I think is really cool, simple, chic and very different to what I use to wear, I really like it, maybe my new style is coming. I am in love of those shoes, but something really bad happen! One of them is totally broken, I fell off the stairs and the heel broke. So, this was the last time I use them ...
What do you think, too simple or nice?
What do you think, too simple or nice?
Stella McCartney Resort 2013 | Fashion
18 jun 2012
Stella McCartney's presentations are a legend in the fashion industry, this year she presented her resort 2013 collection in New York City in a garden party. The models were playing croquet and carnival games, it seems like a really fun party! McCartney said, "This collection was about having standout pieces," and what could stand out more than neon pink blazers, bright orange pants, or head-to-toe floral print looks? Honestly I did't fell in love of the lace dresses underneath fringe or the leopard-print coats, I've seen a lot of them everywhere. What do you think? You like this collection? I am totally crazy about the white coat from the 1rst picture, is just perfect!
Las presentaciones Stella McCartney se ha convertido en todo un acontecimiento en el mundo de la moda. Este año mostró su colección resort en una fiesta en el jardín deL cementerio Marble en la ciudad de Nueva York. Mientras las modelos portaban sus hermosos diseños jugaban croquet o juegos típicos de carnaval. McCartney menciono en una entrevista que la colección se trataba de tener piezas llamativas, y, ¿Qué puede ser más llamativo que chaquetas rosa neon, pantalones anaranjados o estampado floral de pies a cabeza? Siendo honesta no me enamoraron los vestidos de encaje con flecos ni los abrigos con estampado animal, los he visto tantas veces ... ¿Qué dices, te gusta? Yo me enamore perdidamente del abrigo blanco de la primera foto, es perfecto.Read More >> $150 | Giveaway
17 jun 2012
Instructions in english.
FAKE LEATHER llegó a los 1000 likes en facabook y para celebrar esta regalando 150dlls para comprar online, obviamente unos hermosos lentes para este verano. Lo que tienen que hacer es:
1. Darle 'like' a en facebook.
2. Sigue a FAKE LEATHER en Google Friend Connect.
3. Sigue a FAKE LEATHER en Bloglovin'.
4. Comparte el giveaway en tu blog, facebook, twitter o cualquier otro lugar y menciona cual es tu marca favorita de lentes y porque. Por ejemplo, las mias son Calvin Klein por la gama de colores que manejan y Ermenegildo Zegna que apenas descubrí gracias a porque me fascinan los armazones gruesos y las lineas rectas que maneja en la mayoría de los diseños.
5. Deja un comentario en EN ESTE LINK con tu correo, la confirmación de tu like a smartbuysunglases y el link de donde hayas compartido el giveaway.
Adriana y van a elegir las mejores 10 entradas para decidir quien será el ganador por medio de El giveaway se termina el 25 de Junio a las 10pm, es un giveaway internacional así que apúrense, sigan los pasos y ¡Mucha suerte!
Aquí, lo mismo pero en ingles.
Cake Pops | DIY
16 jun 2012
Do you Remember the "Happy-bday blog" photoshoot? For the decoration I made pink and white Cake Pops and now they are probably one of my favorite treats! I love how they look like cute little lollipops and the best part is that they can be made into any color or flavor. A lot of people ask me about them, so here is a step-by-step tutorial made my mom and I, for making the perfect cake pops.
La receta en español AQUÍ
La receta en español AQUÍ

1. Bake a cake, any flavor you like.

2. Add 2 cups of frosting, I used a store-bought frosting for these. 3. Use your hands to mix together the frosting and the cake. 4. Now, with your hands make small balls, about 3-4 tablespoons each.

A standard size cake will make around 50 pops, in the picture we have to flavors, because at the same time my mom was making chocolate cake pops.
5. Now put them in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. 6. Dip a lollipop stick in the melted chocolate and push the stick through the cold cake pop.

7. Dip the pop in the melted chocolate. 8. Allow any excess chocolate to drip off the pop. I like to drizzle on a bit more chocolate just to add texture and some sprinkles to add color.

Try to make them and tell me how it went! You can find other DIY for making cake pops here and here, and my favorite is Bakerella, love her blog! If I had the time I will probably make every recipe!
If you want this DIY in spanish CLICK HERE!
If you want this DIY in spanish CLICK HERE!
Maggie R. | Featuring
13 jun 2012
She's my friend from school, we are not studying the same. Her biggest dream is live in Germany and work in AUDI, she's studying Mechatronic engineer and what I like the most about her is the love she have for her career, she loves fashion and clothes and all kind of girly stuff, but she is also happy talking about cars and getting dirty in the workshop. When I am with her I am always laughing, she have the facility to make my laugh. My ex boyfriend was taking the pictures for the blog and Maggie was walking around so we called her to take the pictures together, she was very mad because one teacher gave her a bad grade, she's such a good actress, she looks really happy and relax... But at the end of the day the teacher realize she was doing some weird math and gave her a better grade.
This outfit was my favorite of the week, the lace skirt is actually a dress, gold details made the outfit look a little bit elegant and the pumps added the total feeling. I am totally in love of that pair of shoes, they are perfect! I can use them with everything in my closet! Pure perfection in a little box!
This outfit was my favorite of the week, the lace skirt is actually a dress, gold details made the outfit look a little bit elegant and the pumps added the total feeling. I am totally in love of that pair of shoes, they are perfect! I can use them with everything in my closet! Pure perfection in a little box!
Italian dinner | Diary
11 jun 2012
Last friday one of my teachers made a amazing dinner for me and my friends. First of all, her dinners are really famous because she cooks amazing, she is from Italy and her lasagna is a legend in my career. When we arrived I was amazed, her house is so pretty! The decoration, all the style reminded me of Tuscany, the colors, the structure, I couldn't believe that it was actually her house. The food was totally amazing, it was perfect, the wine, the salad, and of course the desserts. This dinner was our way to celebrate that we have done 50% of our career. I really had a great time, although I had to go early I enjoyed it a lot!
Blazer | Outfit
7 jun 2012
Well, I am finally free! 4th semester is over! I have a lot of plans for the summer, including 2 trips, and a lot of photo-shoots! Also, I am making very big plans for next year, I can't really say anything but I am pretty excited. This outfit was one of my favorites, because is simple and classic, I love the contrast of the heels with the black blazer. It's funny how you guys can notice when I am on vacations or something, is the only way to post pictures of my outfits ... You wouldn't recognize me in a 'normal school day'. Next semester is going to be really interesting, my schedule will have a big change because my classes are going to be at afternoon-night, I will have to work in the mornings and I don't have any idea when I will do my homework or at what time I will be at the gym. I have a lot of expectations for this half of the year, hopefully everything will be as perfect as it have to be.
Adriana G. - Fake Leather | Introducing
5 jun 2012
Adriana G., blogger and graphic designer from Mexicali, B.C., Mexico.
Facebook fan page: FAKE LEATHER
LookBook: Adriana G.
She's one of my favorite ego-bloggers, I like her style, it's very trendy, minimalistic and of course chic, and the 'price tag' is not high. But what I love the most about her is the versatility of her clothes, the way she pick every piece and know exactly how to match it with other things in her closet. She made me realize that I don't need 1000 clothes in my closet, I just need to know my body estructure and find some statement pieces that will help my closet look better. Also, she uses amazing accessories and shoes that makes her outfits look even better. Few weeks ago I made her (Thru e-mail) a short interview just to know her a little more:
Adriana: Soy blogger de moda mexicana, comenzó como un hobby y ahora es una parte muy importante de mi vida. Sin embargo, me propongo en no verlo como un trabajo sino como un escape de toda mi realidad, independiente de mi trabajo como profesional y de mi vida privada. Me encanta lo que hago y el mejor pago es cuando la gente me dice "Hoy no sabía qué ponerme, entré a tu blog y me sentí inspirada", ¡no tiene precio!
GLD : ¿Cuántos años tienes y qué quieres ser de grande? Adriana : Tengo 23 años y me deseo desempeñar como diseñadora gráfica en el ámbito de la moda.
GLD : ¿Cómo defines tu estilo?
Adriana : Limpio, vanguardista, chic.
GLD : ¿Cuál es tu persona favorita del mundo viva o muerta y por qué?
Adriana : Coco Chanel, tuvo toda la fuerza y feminidad que se puede pedir de una mujer, además su pensamiento cambió totalmente la forma en que se vive y se realiza la moda actualmente.
GLD : ¿De dónde eres y en que otro pais te hubiera justado nacer?
Adriana : Soy de México, la verdad no tengo preferencias por ninguna nacionalidad así que diré que México está bien.
GLD : ¿Qué otra época le hubiera gustado vivir?
Adriana : En 1700, específicamente en el rococó si hubiera tenido la oportunidad de vivir de forma cómoda y adinerada, pero en verdad estoy agradecida por haber nacido en una época tan abierta, llena de oportunidades y derechos para las mujeres.
New Shoes | Closet
4 jun 2012
A few days ago, I went shopping with my mom because in two weeks my little sister ends elementary school and she needed a dress for her graduation party. At first I was a little upset because we had to wake up really early, but, let's be honest who says no to shopping. After all, my mom bought me this amazing pairs of heels (Forever21 and Qupid) and the Missoni flats I was obsessed with since they came out. I already have plans for them! Hahaha. We also bought some clothes, but I haven't taken pictures. What do you say? You like them? I LOVE THEM!
Feeling free | outfit
2 jun 2012
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