Eneani and Sofia

Im not a prom queen, (but I feel so) that crown is when I won second place in the beauty pageant at my school (2009)
Sorry for this days without posting, but, as you can see, yesterday was my prom night, so that days before, were kind of crazy. It was an espectacular nigth with my friends and family: dancing, singing, and dancing more. That was the last chance to say goodbye, and of course others things that some of us were keeping inside. Lucky me, I just said "Good bye" three times. Because I know, that I will continue seeing some of my friends.
I wanna thank my mom, for all the effort she made.
Traduccion: Perdon por no postear estos dias, pero eso de la graduacion me traia loca, la verdad fue una noche hermosa y muy divertida, fue la ultima vez que nos dijimos adios, aunque para mi no fue tan grave porque estoy segura de que seguire viendo a varios de mis amigos. Gracias a todos! Mamy gracias por tu esfuerzo de esa noche, y de todas las demas.
LV oxox♥
WOW! Your dress is SO unique and PRETTY! and you look GORGEOUS! <3 love the colors :D
You look like a princess!
Soooooooooo cute!
Love, johanna
Adore the dress, you look pretty in it.
http://fashion- fantasies.blogspot.com
Gorgeous dress!
You really get it. Perfect dress
I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!!! me encanta tu forma de vestir ♥___♥
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