Since "Yves Saint Laurent" changed its name few months ago we all knew a big change was coming, I have to be honest I thought it wasn't going to be good for the brand, but I have to admit I feel in love with this campaign. Even though I don't really understand it very well, I have no clue of the new path for Saint Laurent Paris.
The new face for the man's campaign is a girl, Saskia de Brauw, can you believe it? I didn't even knew 'he' was a 'she'. Is an amazing shoot! As Laura from The Creative Shoot said "Good girls gone bad".
The sweet and posh image is gone. To promote the brand they have done The Music Project a photo set with punk and grunge stars such as Marilyn Manson, Courtney Love and Kim Gordon, and the most shocking for me, Daft Punk. When I saw the photos I though it was from their new single or something like that, but the I felt the editorial touch and started digging, and yes, the photos where from this amazing project. I can't really tell what Saint Laurent is becoming, but I think they are good, being a little risky and rocker, even if the people in the shoots are adults the whole campaign feels full of youth and fun. With the perfect touch of classic and chic.
What do you think about this campaign, did you like it? The change have been huge, I really want to see more of the new Saint Laurent!

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