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It's official, summer is heating! The time to use skirts and dresses is here.
And as you may imagine I totally love skirts, I like the fact that you can mix them with a lot of elements and create a lot of different looks. This time choose to wear a neutral palette sending the attention to my heels.
As you can notice in my looks, I am not a trend follower -at least not for now- I do like a lot of trends and I wish I could have the money and the time to be able to follow the trends at the moment and mix them with my style, but for now I buy clothes that I feel are timeless and that I know I will be capable to mix with a lot of other stuff in my closet. That's why when I buy shoes I go crazy, I love to buy color full and chunky heels because I know they will add a little edge to my outfit.
What do you think about it? What do you use as your secret weapon to give a little life to your outfits?

There is a part of my that is a big fan of some groups or singers and I can listen to their songs in eternal replay, but this month I felt tired of 'my' music, I was desperate to listen to new groups, new songs, something different. So I asked my friends for new music and I didn't like anything, until I went back to some groups I had only listened to one song and I did my research, that's how I re-find Grouplove (and I find out that they will launch a new disc) and re-find Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, and well, the new single from 30STM is quite amazing, I love the beat.
I hope this section at my blog can help some of you in this kind of situations, and please if you have any new recommendation send it to me, I need new music in my playlists!

How many times have you dreamed about your grown up home? I have been pretty obsessed with pinterest and tumblr lately, and I can't help my self, I can spend hours and hours looking at those pictures wondering how is going to be my country house, my office, my mom's home, etc.
I selected my favorites, and the line of design I would like to have. Following the decor trends, white, wood and metals are a must to have an amazing house, but one of my concerns is that, I am not sure if that could be a home, I don't imagine my little nephews running around this kind of houses.
I love white big spaces with subtle pops of color, high ceilings, big couches, clear and enormous windows and touches of wood, to warm up a little bit the spaces.


I have been really lazy lately, now that I don't have school I spend most of my day at bed of hanging out with my friends. I only wake up to go to my work, but I only work part time so the rest of the day seems so long and calm. But I have to admit I got quite tired of that, so I started to look for more projects with my friends and of course a lot of photo projects, also some trips around my city.
I cut my hair shorter for its own good, and I decided not to dye it this time, even if I want to be a red head again, it needs a rest. Also I've been planning some photo series with my friends and also I have been doing collaborations with some cool online magazines. And I have seen a lot of movies with my best friend Carlos. How are you doing at you vacations? Do you have any plans already?

Two months ago I got this skirt for my birthday but that time I wore it as a mini, now I use it a little bit longer, giving it a pencil skirt feeling. I totally love this kind of pieces, their versatility is really good to my closet.
This time I matched it with a black top and with my oversized white coat, which I love because it's very light but still a good cover from the morning-cold. And my blue wedges with a tribal print to give a little more life to the outfit.
I really like textures, colors and mixing patterns, but yesterday I realize that my closet is in a major problem, I haven't shopped for a long time ago because I am saving money, so for now I am trying to reinvent my outfits by mixing them in different ways. Hope it works. What do you think about this outfit? Do you like it?

This time I have to give a special thanks to my best friend's boyfriend who kindly took the pictures of this outfit! Thank you Pablo.

We all know about the importance of the LBD (Little Black Dress) and how every woman needs one in her closet, but this season fashion have made a new basic for us, the Little White Dress. I believe it is as important, basic and chic as the LBD, you can use it at day, at night, in a wedding or for a coffee with your friends.
The versatility of this pieces are based in their color. You can get a dress with a simple cut and give it the twist you want by adding accessories, choosing the right type of shoes and of course with an adequate hair and make up.
My favorite way to coordinate the LBD is definitely with gold, but when it comes to the LWD I love how it looks with neutral colors.


If there is an opportunity to show what you got, you have to own it. This is the energy, this is the madness, this is the rush of a girl showing what she is.
You can see the whole set at my flickr


Semester is over! Finally I am free from school again! I have two months to do whatever I want before start school again. My plans are going to all the posible trips I can, also I plan to do a lot of photo shoots, have a shopping spree and keep learning HTML 5, PHP and Xcode.
Being this one of my last days at school I decided to wear this beautiful black dress, with my beloved chunky black heels and my lovely trench coat. As you guys can notice I don't wear a lot of dresses, I do like them, but most of the time I don't feel comfortable in them, I believe is because of my body type, and I haven't taken the time to find a dress that suits me.
This photos are special, most of the time Annie takes'em, but this time my boy-best-friend took them and I think he did a great job!

My best friend and I.

I want to start this post with a big THANK YOU!.
It's been three years since I decided to have my own space to express, where I'm able to share my toughs, my inspirations, my love for fashion, my love for photography and any other thing I want to share. It's been an incredible journey, I have leaned a lot about myself and I have improved amazingly thanks to the blog.
First of all, I have met a lot of nice people thanks to Green's Life Diary. Getting to know people from other parts of the world who like the same stuff (or hate the same stuff) as me is probably the best thing, it has helped me to be more confident about my opinions and also to be a little more open minded in all aspects. Also my english has improved, with the time I've gained experience and vocabulary.
My sense of style is way better, and even though I don't feel like I have my own personal style yet, I do feel like I've improved in fashion matters.
Thank to all of you guys, every visit, every comment, every message, every like, all of that means the world to me. The biggest lesson from this three past years is that you have to fight for the things that you love, and it my sounds weird or silly, but having a blog is quite a challenge, it is like having a child, you have to keep track, help it to grow, take care of it. Sometimes with the school or work it gets a little difficult, but at the end of the day, every time I click the "Write new post" button I get into my bubble and I just feel like I am doing what I am supposed to do.
I have learned a lot of new things, a lot of doors have been opened for me thanks to Green's Life Diary, a lot of opportunities have been presented to, I've met a lot of amazing people and I have to admit I feel really proud every time I say: "I'm a blogger".