Last monday I had the opportunity to make a little trip to Valparaíso, to make a practice of my Photography class. Our teacher told us he wanted us to see the city differently, he wanted us to take photos to the people, to the souls, he was teaching us how to see things.
I really liked it, going around the streets trying to get a real story in one shot, kind of stalking everyone and imagining what they were thinking or their next move.
You can see more photos of Valparaíso HERE
I did enjoy the focus of this trip, and even though we had to do the assignment, we also took some time to walk around and be tourists.
The three pictures I'm showing you guys are the ones I chose to present in class, we had to select out 3 favorites and then our classmates were going to vote for the best.
I'm really glad I did this trip because now I'm starting to look things differently, always looking for spaces that can work as a location for some films or photo shoots.

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