19/08/13 - 25/08/13
This week was pretty good, I cooked a lot and went clubbing with my friends
Also we had a field trip to Litoral Central to get to know a little bit more about the Chilean culture and to see the amazingly beautiful scenarios Chile has to offer.
During the week it was all normal and calm, you know, school, homework, sleeping, and eating, I don't do a lot because I have my own responsibilities, but the amazing thing about my school schedule is that I don't have classes on thursday, and in Chile the really big crazy parties are on wednesday is called "Miércoles Po" and I get to go all the time, this past theme was 'snow' and they painted our faces with some neon designs it was really fun.

Also I noticed that this week I did my food almost everyday, I didn't went out for lunch or meal, all week I ate chicken with something like rice, beans or salad.
And last but not least I went with my friends into a trip to Maipu, pomaire and Isla Negra.

And lastly, I dye my hair, I didn't attached photos because my rommies are helping me with that while I am writing this, but is a color I have never tried! Stay tunned!
Have fun and enjoy life!

No sabes como te envidio. Yo tengo tantas ganas de conocer Pomaire e Isla Negra :(
Me da mucho gusto que te la estés pasando bonito y me muero por saber qué te hiciste en el cabello jajaj
Un abrazote!
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