Being plaids one of the biggest trends this season, I really wanted to have more than a T-shirt with that pattern, so I took my bf's coat in the instant I saw it in his closet. I'm extremely in love with oversize clothing and for me it's even better with coats, I fill like they add some chicness to the outfit in an instant.
Even if it's cool outside, when you are standing in the sun the weather starts to feel a little warm, so I'm finally using my skirts again! This time I used my favorite pencil skirt with leather panels on the sides and finally got to use this tank that I bought like 3 years ago I love it (My best friend loves it too) and I don't know why I've never uploaded a look using it.
Another thing I was keeping locked is this amazing statement necklace from persunmall.com, I got it the day before coming to Santiago and here, with the winter and the crazy cold I couldn't find a way to use it, until now!

Necklace from persunmall.com (Get it here)

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