Peppermint hot chocolate:

One of my friends works as a barista at the coffee shop at school and I am always asking to make me different types of beverages and one day he gave me hot chocolate with mint and I fell in love. Few weeks later I went to USA with my dad and I order one at Starbucks and then I realize they sold the little packages with the recipe and I bought like 8 of them! I totally love the fresh flavor of the peppermint and well is an amazing hot beverage for this weather.
Revlon Lipstick:

I usually don't use a lot of lipstick specially because I am always eating/drinking something and it gets all over my food. But when I use at parties or special occasions I love this pinky shade from Revlon, it is a good moisturizer and the color is not really bright so it looks quite natural.
Bobby Brown Rich-Cavier Eyeshadow Palette:

This month I started wearing eyeshadow almost every day to look a little bit better and I've been using this amazing palette, the two colors I use the most is the brown one and the gold one, I love how they look and I have to be honest the pigments are not as good as other eyeshadow palettes that I have, but for the same reazon I like to use this one on the daily basics, because with the time the color fades a little and I don't look with a lot of make up.
Eccole Crossbody Bag:

I have this bag since last year, but this past month I have been using it literally every day. All my basics fit perfectly on it and I love the colors, the 'snake' print and it has an amazing good quality! And well is a mexican product, which make it even better!
Blue Cape:

Well, is winter and even if this cape doesn't cover my arms is really, really warm! And I feel really comfortable with it, also is an amazing 'I-don't-know-what-to-wear' item, just put on some jeans, a simple t-shit, cute cape and loafers and you are done!
Slim rings:

I actually made a special post about this obsession and I feel like they are going to be a must have all year (at least for me). I love how cute and sutil are they.
Camel Loafers:

This are not the most warm pair of shoes that I have, but they are so comfortable and so easy to wear! I have been using them almost every day since school begun.
Rose Gold heels:

Definitely my favorite pair of heels since I bought them! Honestly they are not the most comfortable heels I own, the material is really cheap but I love the look they gave to any outfit! They are really cute and even if the material is plastic they look chic.
Outfit: Creamy Sunset

My favorite outfit of the month, the colors, the textures, even my hair and make up, I love it! I felt really pretty that day.
Noisettes | "Wild Young Hearts"
I really love the lyrics of this song also the voice is really nice. But I choose this one because of the feeling and the lyrics. Also I really like live songs.
This was not my best month, hope yours went pretty well! And let's make the next one better!
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