Thanks to my school I had the opportunity to travel to L.A. and be part of this year's Art Walk. I haven't been in touch with art since almost a year, with work I totally forget about it and it was a really cool to walk around the studios, take photos and ask like a thousands of times "What the hell where they thinking about?"
I've had taken classes about modern art, in fact one of my favorite painters is Pollok, but there are some kind of artist I just can understand, I don't know if I am closed minded or something like that, but I just try and I don't find it attractive or interesting.
This year there was a zone of artist that I really loved, they worked like street/Social Protest art which I can say is my favorite type of art. Also there where a lot of photographers this year. Check out the photos from my FB Gallery and tell me what do you think about it! Which one is your favorite of my favorites?
Everything is going very well lately. I have something really big to tell you but I have to be real sure about it first. I have to admit I am excited as hell! Also I totally forgot to tell you about my new piercing (photo down there) and well, we are three days far for my birthday! Yay!
Being lines one of the new trends for spring-summer I decided to give them a chance and I got this cute color full tanktop with diagonal lines and I pair it with one of my favorite blazers. Also I am trying to not wear a lot of black or gray so I used my with pants and some old jeans wedges to give it a fun twist and make it less formal. What do you think, you like it?
I made a new feature/collaboration with Dsecuento México. You can see it HERE. My new piercing!
Well, this month was really difficult to choose which songs I was going to show you guys. And I decided to make a weird mix, something indie, some electropop and some hip-hop/r&b (in that order). Capital Cities is a new indie group from L.A. and Safe and Sound is their first single, I really hope they become something good, and not just a one-hit-wonder. I can't wait to hear the new album from Empire of the sun, they have really good music, and well, hip-hop is always going to be one of my biggest guilty pleasures in the world! Enjoy! And tell me what you think about them!
I'm turning 21! And as a normal person in the world I want stuff, a lot of stuff! Most of it are clothes, accessories, GG's 6 season DVD, a wallet and money to spend in food! Here's my wish list, just in case you want to buy something for me, haha just kidding! Or not?
I am not really into brands, if I can find something similar to a designer item I want or something pretty and with quality, I am happy, I don't care from which store it comes from. Of course I am dying for a 2.55 from Chanel or a pair of Manolo's but I can also work with some other department store where you can find what you need for a decent price.
And as you can imagine I am really into coupons and discounts and I found this amazing page called Dscuento México where you can find coupons online and a lot of discounts! And I am quite obsessed with Dafiti, and amazing online store where you can find everything, and obviusly you cant find promos at Dscuento México! Give it a try and tell me how it was!
"I decided I didn't want to be victim anymore. That's not who I am." - Spencer Hastings
I know all my friends and some of my readers are tired of the same "I was really sad" story, but I can't fake it, it's true. This time I had my biggest break down and I am really fighting to come out and start living my life again. It is really unfair how much someone can affect your life directly, someone that doesn't even deserve to be in your life. But is over, I've wasted almost a third part of my year and, no more! I've had enough.
I have to be positive, and for me, and for all the people who have been supporting me, I am back, I am not going to be playing this game forever and even if it still hurts, I know I am bigger than that, I am better than them and now I know that it takes more than even they to destroy me.
Since "Yves Saint Laurent" changed its name few months ago we all knew a big change was coming, I have to be honest I thought it wasn't going to be good for the brand, but I have to admit I feel in love with this campaign. Even though I don't really understand it very well, I have no clue of the new path for Saint Laurent Paris.
The new face for the man's campaign is a girl, Saskia de Brauw, can you believe it? I didn't even knew 'he' was a 'she'. Is an amazing shoot! As Laura from The Creative Shoot said "Good girls gone bad".
The sweet and posh image is gone. To promote the brand they have done The Music Project a photo set with punk and grunge stars such as Marilyn Manson, Courtney Love and Kim Gordon, and the most shocking for me, Daft Punk. When I saw the photos I though it was from their new single or something like that, but the I felt the editorial touch and started digging, and yes, the photos where from this amazing project. I can't really tell what Saint Laurent is becoming, but I think they are good, being a little risky and rocker, even if the people in the shoots are adults the whole campaign feels full of youth and fun. With the perfect touch of classic and chic.
What do you think about this campaign, did you like it? The change have been huge, I really want to see more of the new Saint Laurent!
Yay! The outfits are back! Finally, after two months of absence. My closet is having a bad time, but I am doing what I can with what I have, hopefully for my birthday I will have enough money to make a spree!
I don't know why I haven't been using this cute trench coat lately, is so soft, comfy and fashionable! (And you can use it with almost everything).
This day, when I was looking trough my clothes I find this amazing gold skirt that I only used once for new years eve and because is quite bold I decided to use it with some 'neutral' pieces. I don't love the fact that is black in the back, but I really like the material, because is soft, kind of leather but without the thickness.
I'm still looking for this season trends and which of them I like, do you have any favorite yet?
I love changing my look, I usually do it twice a year because I get bored really easily and well, hair is always growing and I like to try new things.
Here is little timeline of my looks since I opened the blog. The first one was when I was 17 and I was in my last semester of high school. Then I decided to use bangs (it wasn't the 1st time I used it) and some red highlights, and of course I fell in love with red hair styles and I dyed all my hair red and stopped using the bangs.
Few months before I decided to go a little 'yolo' and cut off half of my hair, of course I got bored and my hair was really tired of all the bad treatment and I had to dye it black (my natural color) but I decided to do a little bit of ombre style just because I didn't wanted my hair to look boring. And this year I cut of my bangs again and shortened my hair, dye it dark-brown and it is actually getting better.
I really want to get my hair red again, but we will see, I don't know yet what is going to be my next look.
I'm back, I honestly had one of the most amazing (and crazy) adventures of my life this past week. As I told you before, my best friend and I decided to go backpacking for a week to Mazatlán, Sinaloa. We took thousands of photos, but we also made some Video Blogs of everything (About our food, the streets, museums, even our funny moments)
This is my instagram diary of the little-crazy vacations we had.
I will upload the videos soon, but we have to watch them first and we haven't had the time to do it.
When I say it was an adventure, is because it was. We only had 350dlls for a week (8 days and 8 nights) and we needed a place to sleep, something to eat and of course we needed money for recreation stuff.
Some of the most remarkable things that happened to us was that we had to sleep in a motel the first night, one night we were almost arrested, one day we only eat breakfast at McDonalds because we didn't have money for anything else, we ended up in a empty house from the cousin of a friend (A friend that we made that night), in the trip back we only had like 7dlls for 27 hours...
Backpacking is the best way to really get to know the city you are visiting, you can meet a lot of nice people and you find a lot of really cool stuff while walking the streets. For example, the first to days of our trip we decided to visit the 'historical center' of Mazatlán and we find a lot of cool stores, buildings and a lot of random people. I totally recommend it, is a one life experience you will never forget.