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Me at Mexico City! Definitely this is one of the cities I want to live in, and even though I only went there for a day, this little trip was amazing!
I wore a top from a amazing brand settle in Tijuana; MexicanFashion, with my beloved floral skirt and a denim top to cover up my arms in the rain. Also I used the same combat boots because they are really comfortable to walk in.
Since I saw MexicanFashion clothing I have been pretty much obsessed with their tops and caps, and I always wanted a lot of them, but I wanted to wear them in some special place, so this trip was the perfect moment to spread the love to the brand and finally get some MexicanFashion clothes.
I got 3 pieces, and I hope to buy more online to wear them in Chile.
This outfit is quite different of what I always use. I am starting to take a little more risks and try new styles, you know what they say, "new city, new attitude".

The month is almost over, and as usual I share my top 3 songs of the months with you guys! This month I really focused on the lyrics, as you can listen they are pretty calm and soft.
I got to admit I am pretty excited about next months, because hopefully I will listen to different music and learn a lot of new things.
This month I have to thank my best -boy- friend who introduced me to "Cults" and my namesake Luisa Maria who shared with me the magic voice of "Lorde". Please, tell me if you got a favorite song or recommend me something, I am all ears to new things!

As a part of this amazing adventure I'm living, I made a scale in México city, and without planning it, happens that my best friend was there for vacations, so, we did a little trip around the historical center, and even though in one day you can't really visit all places, we went to the important ones and had a blast! - Thank you fate!
Remember few months ago I went to Mazatlan with my best -girl- friend? Well, this was the perfect excuse to enjoy some time with my best -boy- friend and walk around the city, because we will not see each other in 6-7 months. I slept like 3 hours, because the next morning I wanted to visit as much as possible.
We visited the Zocalo, some ruins, the Cathedral, Bellas Artes and some other places you will see in the photos.
The quality is not as good as always because I took them with the iPhone, I didn't wanted to be around a unknown city with my big camera.
An well, being proud of my roots, I totally recommend you to visit Mexico City, the architecture is breath taking and the food is the best thing on the world!


Well, the time to fly has come, this is going to be my last outfit from Tijuana. As you guys can tell, the photos where took at the airport. This time I wanted to wear something very comfy, and by now you might notice that I am a "skirt lover", so I didn't wear pants because I felt more comfortable in a cotton skirt.
On top of the skirt I wore this black blouse with aztec pattern in the neck, like if it was a double-end dress (which I am pretty obsessed with but I don't have any, cheers to me!) also, because it's raining in the next city I am going, and they didn't fit into my suitcase I used my black combat boots. As part of the outfit too, I wore my 100% mexican made backpack that I just bought at downtown; love it, the colors are pretty amazing and contrary to what I thought they are really resistant.
Wish me luck at my trip and see you in my next stop! I'm spending a weekend with my best friend at México City! I'm really excited!


This vacations I really wanted to have a lot of work, to improve my skills and have a bigger portfolio. I took some pictures of my sister and I used them to learn how to create perfect skin. I did learn it, but I didn't wanted to exaggerate and I only fixed her skin a little bit. Also I learned how to use Action Scripts in photoshop, and how to create them, which I have to say is amazingly useful.
I have to admit I am a little obsessed with my sister as a model, I just love her weird features, her big eyes and strong nose. I also feel she's really good at it -some times I catch her studying poses.
For this shoot I wanted her without any makeup, no big hair or colorful clothes, just as natural as possible, to create a sweet and natural atmosphere around the photo.
You can see all the photos in HD HERE

Green's life diary is moving to the very south, let's go to Chile!
Remember that I have been 'hiding' some plans for you, and I am always talking about how excited I was, but never told about, well, I am going on a student exchange to Chile for the next 6 months!
I am excited as hell, I have been keeping this secret from you guys for almost 3 months and I can't hold it anymore. I am flying next week.
I didn't told you before because I didn't wanted to get excited until it was totally true, and well I have my flying tickets, so now it is official!
I will open another section in the blog, called "Chile exchange" (very original, huh?) where I will post about my experience here and I think pretty much everything I'll be doing for the next six monts!
Wish me luck! See you at Chile!

It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are... than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise.
- Henry David Thoreau
I always wanted to take photos at this place, this trees used to be green, big and full of olives and now, with the pollution, the people and the years, to me they look like ruins, I believe someone set them on fire, but they were strong enough to stay there, reminding how important and beautiful they are.
I love the way the light passes trough the dead trees and the weird dark-green almos black color of the landscape.
You can see all the photos in HD HERE


Yesterday I had another great adventure with my best friend AC. This time the story took place at Los Angeles, Ca. We only went there for one day and we were totally clueless about the place we were actually going.
And as you can imagine I also took some photos of the city, mostly of the beautiful breathtaking architecture, in which I have been really interested lately.
The moment we arrived to Downtown L.A. I fell in love, the people, the movement, the architecture, the infinite number of options of things to do. I was amused.
The reason why we went there, was because I needed to do some paper work, I actually had an appointment at noon, so we leaved Tijuana at 7.40 a.m. to be on time.
We arrived to L.A. at 11.20 a.m. and went directly to the place I had my appointment. I had the wrong address. I was desperated, I was sure the building was supposed to be "there", but it wasn't. I almost started crying but my friend didn't let me and we started to look for some place with WIFI to confirm the address, we ended in some offices where they helped us and told us we were like half an hour away from our destiny, and they gave us the instructions from google maps. We had to took the subway (which I have to say IS AMAZING!!) and another Bus and then, voila! There I was, 3 hours later.

When I knocked on the door, the lady told me that they were closed, the office hours where from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To be honest, my world fell down, I almost started crying and then I said "We were lost, I'm from Tijuana" and they looked at my like I had made the longest trip on the world and after some calls they made, they finally gave me the things I was there for.
Things got better, I was really happy with my papers. We went to Johnny Rockets to eat something, then we went to the LACMA Museum, and we decided to risk our 10:00 p.m. passes back home and we went to Hollywood.
We asked and we took a bus to the Hollywood blvd. When we arrived we were super excited, looking everywhere like little kids, searching for stars from people we liked. Then we saw at the Dolby Theater the premiere of Pacific Rim!! It was incredible!!

And well, we had to came back to take our bus and, guess what? We didn't had any idea of where was the station or how we could get there, we asked a lot of people and we took the subway in the direction we tough it will be, then we took a little bus but we didn't recognize anything, I was very afraid. Then, after like 8 minutes I saw the logo from the station and started screaming and almost crying because we made it! We actually made it!
When we arrived the bus was already gone (10.18 p.m.) so, we asked if we could take the next one and they accepted, we waited until the next one and we arrived home safe and sound.
I mean, it was quite irresponsible from us, but it was a great adventure. Have you ever had a random adventure like this? Or even crazier?


Life is going so good, I am really excited about all the changes my life is going trough. I have to admit, I am really proud of myself, even though I went trough a really hard time, I am still here, I am getting stronger and I am building a new life. I feel happier than ever.
I haven't been able to dress up and take photos of my outfits because I spent most of my time at home or with my friends just hanging out, resting and not caring about a lot of stuff, and well, I guess you can imagine the "Not caring a lot outfit"; jeans, boots and a top. This time I am actually living on vacations, I can wake up late and do nothing if I want. Having fun, sleeping a lot and eating deliciously.
How your vacations are going? Did you travel somewhere? Are working or just resting like I am?
Whatever your answer is, just have fun! We came here to do what we love!

Quick summer vacations update! I went to a 3 day 2 nights camping with my friends. Because it was at the beach I didn't took my camera, but we took photos with A's cellphone. So this is a little instagram diary from my weekend.
It was a really fun experience, we made s'mores like there was no tomorrow, we also cook some sausages and the last day we discover a summing pool near our camping, so we kind of broke into to fresh up a little. It was fun to 'disappear' to the world for 3 days, no internet, no cellphone, no annoying people.
What are you doing this summer? Did you already went to the beach?


Apparently one of mi biggest obsessions are golden touches in my outfits, and when I started looking this kind of belts at the runways and then at lookbook and Chictopia I fell in love and I started looking for one (or more) for me. You can mix this amazing accessory with many outfits like long and short dresses, pants or skirts, and it instantly adds sophistication and glamour to your outfit.
You can find those like solid gold or wider woven. It is an accessory that makes our look excel and stop being a simple coordinated, giving it some sophistication and glamor and glitter, keeping our outfit clean and simple. One tip, when you wear a gold belt you must wear minimal accessories and they must be in the shade of the belt. That will add an amazing style to your outfit.


Oh my God, I don't understad how, but Elie Saab did it again! I just can't get tired of his designs. I am so obsessed with the emerald green part of the collection, I believe is a great bet and a gorgeous tone for autumn and I don't even know what to say about the red one, totally stunning. Even though his style is well defined and you can recognize his dresses at anytime, none of them look the same, and that's what I think is the most difficult part to achieve as a designer. Year by year I've fallen in love with his Couture line and year by I still say "this man is a genius".
The dominating colors are blue, emerald green, deep red and nude. Applications never fail and the work pieces are extraordinary, as well as all the work with fabrics and enforcement of these magnificent pieces. The dresses were perfect, the models were perfect, the stylist was perfect, even the environment of the runway was amazing.
For me is quite impossible to choose just one, the applications are absolutely wonderful, beautifully crafted and overall they are perfect. Scroll down and fall in love with Couture